Journal Articles

Hypergolic Continuous Detonation with Space-Storable Propellants and Additively Manufactured Injector Design. A.P. Nair, A.R. Keller, D.S. Morrow, A.B. Lima, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. J. Spacecraft. Rockets. (In Press) 2022. doi: 10.2514/1.A35272

Physics-trained neural network for sparse-view volumetric laser absorption imaging of species and temperature in reacting flows. C. Wei, K.K. Schwarm, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. Opt. Express. 29(14):22553– 22566. 2021. doi:

Methane-oxygen rotating detonation exhaust thermodynamics with variable mixing, equivalence ratio, and mass flux. A.P. Nair, D.D. Lee, D.I. Pineda, J. Kriesel, W.A. Hargus Jr., J.W. Bennewitz, B. Bigler, S.A. Danczyk, R.M. Spearrin. Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 113:106683. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2021.106683

Volumetric laser absorption imaging of temperature, CO, and CO2 in laminar flames using 3D masked Tikhonov regularization. C. Wei, K.K. Schwarm, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. Combust. Flame. 224:239–247. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.10.031
Competitive oxidation of methane and C2 hydrocarbons discerned by isotopic labeling and laser absorption spectroscopy of CO isotopologues in shock-heated mixtures. D.I. Pineda, F.A. Bendana, R.M. Spearrin. Combust. Flame. 224:54–65. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.11.006
Temperature-dependent line mixing in the R-branch of the v3 band of methane. J. Li, A.P. Nair, K.K. Schwarm, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 255:107271. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107271

Carbon oxidation in turbulent premixed jet flames: a comparative experimental and numerical study of ethylene, n-heptane, and toluene. D.I. Pineda, L. Paxton, N. Perakis, C. Wei, S. Luna, H. Kahouli, M. Ihme, F.N. Egolfopoulos, R.M. Spearrin. Combust. Flame. 221:371–383. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.08.008

MHz laser absorption spectroscopy via diplexed RF modulation for pressure, temperature, and species in rotating detonation rocket flows. A.P Nair, D.D. Lee, D.I. Pineda, J. Kriesel, W.A. Hargus, J.W. Bennewitz, S.A. Danczyk, R.M. Spearrin. Appl. Phys. B. 126(8):138. 2020. doi:10.1007/s00340-020-07483-8

In-situ thermochemical analysis of hybrid rocket fuel oxidation via laser absorption tomography of CO, CO2, and H2O. F.A. Bendana, I.C. Sanders, J.J. Castillo, C.G. Hagström, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. Exp. Fluids. 61:190. 2020. doi:0.1007/s00348-020-03004-7
Line mixing and broadening of carbon dioxide by argon in the v3 bandhead near 4.2 μm at high temperatures and high pressures. D.D. Lee, F.A. Bendana, A.P Nair, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 253:107135. 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107135

Deep neural network inversion for 3D laser absorption imaging of methane in reacting flows. C. Wei, K.K. Schwarm, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. Opt. Lett. 45(8):2447–2450. 2020. doi:10.1364/OL.391834

Interband cascade laser absorption of hydrogen chloride for high-temperature thermochemical analysis of fire-resistant polymer reactivity. D.I. Pineda, J.L. Urban, R.M. Spearrin. Appl. Opt. 59(7):2141–2148. 2020. doi:10.1364/AO.386536

Line mixing and broadening in the v(1 → 3) first overtone bandhead of carbon monoxide at high temperatures and high pressures. F.A. Bendana, D.D. Lee, C. Wei, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 239:106636. 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106636
Multi-isotopologue laser absorption spectroscopy of carbon monoxide for high-temperature chemical kinetic studies of fuel mixtures. D.I. Pineda, F.A. Bendana, K.K. Schwarm, R.M. Spearrin. Combust. Flame. 207(9):379–390. 2019. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.05.030

Time-resolved laser absorption imaging of ethane in unsteady partially premixed flames at 2 kHz. K.K. Schwarm, C. Wei, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. Appl. Opt. 58(21):5656–5662. 2019. doi:10.1364/AO.58.005656
High-pressure and high- temperature gas cell for absorption spectroscopy studies at wavelengths up to 8 μm. K.K. Schwarm, H. Dinh, C.S. Goldenstein, D.I. Pineda, R.M. Spearrin. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 227:145–151. 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.01.029

Tomographic laser absorption imaging of combustion species and temperature in the mid-wave infrared. C. Wei, D.I. Pineda, C.S. Goldenstein, R.M. Spearrin. Opt. Express. 26(16):20944–20951. 2018. doi:10.1364/OE.26.020944
Mid-infrared laser absorption tomography for quantitative 2D thermochemistry measurements in premixed jet flames. C. Wei, D.I. Pineda, L. Paxton, F.N Egolfopoulos, R.M. Spearrin. Appl. Phys. B. 124(6):123. 2018. doi:10.1007/s00340-018-6984-z
The role of hydrodynamic enhancement on ignition of lean methane-air mixtures by pulsed nanosecond discharges for automotive engine applications. D.I. Pineda, B. Wolk, T. Sennott, J.-Y. Chen, R.W. Dibble, D. Singleton. Combust. Sci. Technol. 189(11):2023–2037. 2017. doi:10.1080/00102202.2017.1334647
Application of corona discharge ignition in a boosted direct-injection single cylinder gasoline engine: Effects on combustion phasing, fuel consumption, and emissions. D.I. Pineda, B. Wolk, J.-Y. Chen, R.W. Dibble. SAE Int. J. Engines. 9(3):1970–1988. 2016. doi:10.4271/2016-01-9045
Modeling hydrogen inhibition in gasification surface reactions. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. D.I. Pineda, J.-Y. Chen. 40(18):6059–6071. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.03.063
Conversion of jet fuel and butanol to syngas by filtration combustion. C.H. Smith, D.I. Pineda, C.D. Zak, J.L. Ellzey. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 38(2):879–889. 2013. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.10.102
Syngas production from burner-stabilized methane/air flames: The effect of preheated reactants. C.H. Smith, D.I. Pineda, J.L. Ellzey. Combust. Flame, 160(3):557–564. 2013. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2012.10.022