Testik, F.Y., Gebremichael, M.: “Rainfall: State of the Science”, American Geophysical Union (December 2010).
Book Chapters
Gebremichael, M., Testik, F.Y., 2010 : “Microphysics, Measurement, and Analyses of Rainfall”, book chapter in Rainfall: State of the Science , Eds. Testik, F. Y. and Gebremichael, M.,American Geophysical Union.
Voropayeb, S.I., Testik, F.Y., Fernando, H.J.S., Balasubramanian, S., 2007 : “Sediment transport, ripple dynamics, and object burial under shoaling waves”, book chapter in Particle Laden Flow: From Geophysical to Kolomogorov Scales , Eds. Geurts, B.J., Clercx, H.J.H, Uijttewaal, W.S.J.,Springer Science.
Jones, B.K., Saylor, J.R. Testik, F.Y., 2010 : “Raindrop Morphodynamics”, book chapter in Rainfall: State of the Science , Eds. Testik, F. Y. and Gebremichael, M.,American Geophysical Union.
Journal Publications
Testik, F.Y., Rahman, M.K., 2017, “First in situ observations of binary raindrop collisions”, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi: 10.1002/2017GL072516.
Testik, F.Y., Pei, B., 2017, “Wind effects on the shape of raindrop size distribution”, Journal of Hydrometeorology, doi: 1175/JHM-D-16-0211.1.
Chowdhury, M.N., Khan, A.A., Testik, F.Y., 2017, “Numerical investigation of circular turbulent jets in shallow water”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001327.
Afrin, T., Kaye, N.B., Khan, A.A., Testik, F.Y., 2017, “Numerical investigation of free overfall from a circular pipe flowing full upstream”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, doi: . 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001289.
Afrin, T., Kaye, N.B., Khan, A.A.,Testik, F.Y., 2016, “Parametric study of perforated pipe underdrains surrounded by loose aggregate”,Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 04016066.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Ungarish, M., 2016, “On the self-similar propagation of gravity currents through an array of emergent vegetation-like obstacles”, Physics of Fluids, 28 (5), 056605.Link to the paper
Afrin, T., Khan, A.A., Kaye, N.B.,Testik, F.Y., 2016 “Numerical model for the hydraulic performance of perforated pipe under-drains surrounded by loose aggregate”,Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,04016018. Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y.,Rahman, M.K., 2016, “High-speed optical disdrometer for rainfall microphysical observations”,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,33(2), 231-243.Link to the paper
Chowdhury, M.N., Testik, F.Y., Hornack, M. C., Khan, A, 2015, “Free Fall of Water Drops in Laboratory Rainfall Simulations“, Atmospheric Research, 168, 158-168. Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Yilmaz, N.A., 2015, “Anatomy and propagation dynamics of continuous-flux release bottom gravity currents through emergent aquatic vegetation“, Physics of Fluids, 27, 056603. Link to the paper
Chowdhury, M.R., Testik, F.Y., 2014, “Axisymmetric underflows from impinging buoyant jets of dense cohesive particle-laden fluids“, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 141 (3), 04014079. [This article was selected for the Research Highlight]. Link to the paper
Pei, B., Testik, F.Y., and Gebremichael, M., 2014, “Impacts of raindrop fall velocity and axis ratio errors on dual-polarization radar rainfall estimation“, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15 (5), 1849-1861. Link to the paper
Yilmaz, N.A., Testik, F.Y., Chowdhury, M.R., 2014, “Laminar flow of constant-flux release bottom gravity currents: friction factor – Reynolds number relationship“, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52(4), 545-558. Link to the paper
Pei, B., Pang, W., Testik, F.Y., Ravichandran, N., Liu, F., 2014, “Mapping joint hurricane wind and surge hazards for Charleston, South Carolina“, Natural Hazards, 74 (2), 375-403.Link to the paper
Jacobson, M.R., Testik, F.Y., 2014, “Turbulent entrainment into fluid mud gravity currents”, Environmental Fluid Mechanics,14 (2), 541-563.Link to the paper
Chowdhury, M.R., Testik, F.Y., 2014, “A review of gravity currents formed by submerged single-port discharges in inland and coastal waters“, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 14 (2), 265-293.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., 2014, “Gravity currents in the environment”, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 14 (2), 263-264.
Jacobson, M.R., Testik, F.Y., 2013, “On the Concentration Structure of High-Concentration Constant-Volume Fluid Mud Gravity Currents“, Physics of Fluids, 25 (1), 016602-016602-24. Link to the paper
Johnson, E.B., Testik, F.Y., Ravichandran, N., Schooler, J., 2013, “Levee scour from overtopping storm waves and scour countermeasures“, Ocean Engineering, 57, p.p. 72-82.Link to the paper
Pei, B., Pang, W., Testik, F.Y., Ravichandran, N., 2013, “Error Quantification for Hurricane Storm Surge Simulations along the Coasts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia“, Natural Hazards Review, 14(2), 79-88.Link to the paper
Heiliger, C., Kaye, N., Testik, F.Y., 2013, “A computational study of the role of particle size standard deviation on the collision frequency in differential settling“, International Journal of Sediment Research,28(1), 34-45. Link to the paper
Chowdhury, M.R., Testik, F.Y., 2012, “Viscous Propagation of Two-Dimensional non-Newtonian Gravity Currents“, Fluid Dynamics Research, 44 (4), 1-17.Link to the paper
Prat O.P., Barros, A.P., Testik F.Y., 2012, “On the influence of raindrop collision outcomes on equilibrium drop size distributions“, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 69 (5),1534-1546.Link to the paper
Mills, B.H., Saylor, J.R., Testik, F.Y., 2012, “An Experimental Study of Mesler Entrainment on a Surfactant-Covered Interface: The Effect of Drop Shape and Weber Number“, AIChE Journal, 58 (1), 46-58. Link to the paper
Chowdhury, M.R., Testik, F.Y., 2011, “Laboratory testing of mathematical models for high-concentration fluid mud turbidity currents“, Ocean Engineering, 38 (1), 256-270.Link to the paper
Young, D.M., Testik, F.Y., 2011, “Wave reflection by submerged vertical and semicircular breakwaters“, Ocean Engineering, 38 (10), 1269-1276.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Barros, A.P., Bliven, L.F., 2011, “Towards a physical characterization of raindrop collision outcomes“, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 68 (5), 1097-1113.Link to the paper
Barros, A.P., Prat, O.P., Testik, F.Y., 2010, “Size distribution of raindrops“, Nature Physics, 6 (4), 232.Link to the paper
Malek-Mohammadi, S., Testik, F.Y., 2010, “New Methodology for Laboratory Generation of Solitary Waves“,Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 136 (5), 286-294. Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., 2009, “Outcome regimes of binary raindrop collisions“, Journal of Atmospheric Research, 94 (3), 389-399.Link to the paper
Young, D.M., Testik, F.Y., 2009, “Onshore scour characteristics around submerged vertical and semicircular breakwaters“, Coastal Engineering, 56 (8), 868-875.Link to the paper
Chowdhury, M.R., Testik, F.Y., Khan, A.A., 2009,“Three-dimensional flow structure at the frontal zone of a gravity-driven fluid mud flow“, Journal of Visualization, 12 (4), 287.Link to the paper
Barros, A.P., Prat, O.P., Shrestha, P., Testik F.Y., Bliven, L.F., 2008, “Revisiting Low and List (1982), Evaluation of Raindrop Collision Parameterizations Using Laboratory Observations and Modelling“, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65 (9), 2983-2993.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Young, D.M., 2008, “Breakup patterns for binary drop collisions“, Journal of Visualization, 11 (1), 4.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Barros, A.P., 2007, “Towards elucidating the microstructure of rainfall: a survey“, Reviews of Geophysics, 45 (2), RG2003.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Voropayev, S.I., Fernando H.J.S., Balasubramanian, S., 2007, “Mine Burial in the Shoaling Zone: Scaling of Laboratory Results to Oceanic Situations“, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 32 (1), 204-213. Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Barros, A.P. & Bliven, L.F., 2006, “Field Observations of Multimode Raindrop Oscillations by High-Speed Imaging“, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 63 (10), 2663-2668.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Voropayev, S.I., Balasubramanian, S. & Fernando, H.J.S., 2006, “Self-similarity of asymmetric sand-ripple profiles formed under nonlinear shoaling waves“, Physics of Fluids, 18 (10), 108101-108101-4. Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Voropayev, S.I. & Fernando, H.J.S., 2005, “Flow around a short horizontal bottom cylinder under steady and oscillatory flows”, Physics of Fluids, 17 (4), 47103-47103-12.Link to the paper
Testik, F.Y., Voropayev, S.I. & Fernando, H.J.S., 2005, “Adjustment of sand ripples under changing water waves”, Physics of Fluids, 17 (7), 072104-072104-8. Link to the paper
Voropayev, S.I., Smirnov S.A., Testik F.Y., 2004, “On the case when steady converging/diverging flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a round cone permits an exact solution“, Mechanics Research Communications, 31 (4) 477-482.Link to the paper
Voropayev, S.I., Testik, F.Y., Fernando H.J.S., Boyer, D.L., 2003, “Morphodynamics and cobbles behavior in and near the surf zone“,Ocean Engineering,30(14), 1741-1764.Link to the paper
Voropayev, S.I., Testik, F.Y., Fernando H.J.S., Boyer D.L., 2003, “Burial and scour around short cylinder under progressive shoaling waves“, Ocean Engineering, 30 (13) 1647-1667.Link to the paper