High Performance Computer Research Cluster (SHAMU)
The UTSA University Technology Solutions (UTS) supports an on-campus High Performance Computer research cluster, SHAMU. This system is available free of charge to UTSA faculty and student researchers. Components of SHAMU are listed below: 83 physical servers; TFlops: 154.58; 5080 Total CPU Cores; 28 TB of shared memory; Dell Compellent highly fault tolerant storage array with 150 TB of shared disk storage (expandable up to 1.05PB depending on disk configuration); 4 GPU nodes, 2 containing four NVidia Tesla K80 GPU cards, 2 with V100 cards; 1 node with 79 Xeon cores and 1.5 TB RAM; The nodes are connected via 9 Mellanox 40Gb/s Infiniband switches and 5 Dell Powerconnect Ethernet switches.
Dell Precision 7920 Tower Workstation
Dual Intel Xeon Gold 6230R CPU, Nvidia Quadro RTX6000 Graphics Card, 192GB DDR4 Memory, 2TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 4TB 7200rpm SATA HDD.
NHERI DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure
The NSF Funded Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure. DesignSafe offers unprecedented access to collaboration, data storage and sharing, access to high performance computing, and potential for integrated data analysis for the NHERI community.