Reza Nasouri (co-Advisor: Adolfo Matamoros)
Research Topics:
- Prognosis and Mitigation of Weldment Cracking in High Mast Illumination Poles due to Galvanization
- Structural Vulnerability of Coastal Bridges under Extreme Hurricane Conditions
- Numerical Analysis of Energy Harvesting Devices
- Nasouri, R., K. Nguyen, A. Montoya, A. Matamoros, C. Bennett, and J. Li. Thermally-Induced Demands due to Hot Dip Galvanization of High Mast Illumination Poles. Part I: Finite Element Model Development. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. In Press, 2019.
- Nasouri, R., K. Nguyen, A. Montoya, A. Matamoros, C. Bennett, and J. Li. Thermally-Induced Demands due to Hot Dip Galvanization of High Mast Illumination Poles. Part II: Effects of Geometrical Properties and Galvanizing Practices. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 159:584-597, 2019.
- Nguyen, K., R. Nasouri, C. Bennett, A. Matamoros, J. Li and A. Montoya. Galvanizing-Induced Distortion in Steel Plate Girders, Part II: Effects of Welding and Galvanizing Practices. Journal of Bridge Engineering. In Press, 2019.
- Nguyen, K., R. Nasouri, C. Bennett, A. Matamoros, J. Li and A. Montoya. Galvanizing-Induced Distortion in Steel Plate Girders, Part I: Effects of Girder Geometry. Journal of Bridge Engineering. In Press, 2019.
- Gholikhani, M., R. Nasouri, S. Tahami, S. Legette, S. Dessouky, and A. Montoya. Harvesting Kinetic Energy from Roadway Pavement through an Electromagnetic Speed Bump. Journal of Applied Energy, 250: 503-511, 2019.
- Nguyen, K., R. Nasouri, C. Bennett, A. Matamoros, J. Li and A. Montoya. Thermomechanical Modeling of Welding and Galvanizing a Steel Beam Connection Detail to Examine Susceptibility to Cracking. Materials Performance and Characterization, ISSN 2739-1365, 2018.
- Tahami, S. A., M. Gholikhani, R. Nasouri, S. Dessouky, and A.T. Papagianakis. Developing a New Thermoelectric Approach for Energy Harvesting from Asphalt Pavements. Journal of Applied Energy, 283:786-798, 2019.
- Matamoros, A, F. Testik, R. Nasouri, and A. Montoya. Coastal Bridges under Hurricane Stresses along the Texas and Louisiana Coast. Project No. 17STTSA02. LSU Digital commons, Publication 29.
- Rezaeimalek, S., R. Nasouri, J. Huang, S.Bin-Shaffique. Curing method and mix design evaluation of a styrene-acrylic based liquid polymer for sand and clay stabilization. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(9): 04018200-1, 2018.
- Rezaeimalek, S., R. Nasouri, J. Huang, S. Bin-Shaffique, S. Gilazghi . Comparison of short-term and long-term performances for polymer-stabilized sand and clay. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 4(2):145-155, 2017.
Daniel Ramirez (co-Advisor: Harry Millwater)
Research Topics:
- Complex Finite Element Method
- Progressive Fracture
- A. Aguirre-Mesa, D. Ramirez-Tamayo, M. Garcia, A. Montoya, and H. Millwater. A Stiffness Derivative Local Hypercomplex-Variable Finite Element Method for Computing of the Energy Release Rate. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, In Press, 2019.
- Aristizabal, M, D. Ramirez-Tamayo, M. Garcia, A. Aguirre-Mesa, A. Montoya, and H. Millwater. Quaternion and Octonion-based Finite Element Analysis Methods for Computing First Order Derivatives. Journal of Computational Physics, In Press.
- Montoya, A., D. Ramirez-Tamayo, H. Millwater, and M. Kirby. A Complex-Variable Virtual Crack Extension Finite Element Method for Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 202:242-258, 2018.
- Ramirez-Tamayo, D., A. Montoya, and H. Millwater. Application of the Complex-variable Finite Element Method to Mixed Mode Fracture and Interface Cracks. AIAA Journal, 56(11):4632-4637, 2018.
- Ramirez-Tamayo, D., A. Montoya and H. Millwater. A Virtual Crack Extension Method for thermoelastic fracture using a complex-variable finite element method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 192:328-342, 2018.
Adnan Shahriar

Research Topics: Numerical Wave Generation/ Extraterrestrial Habitats
Mehdi Najarian

Research Topic: Bridge Fatigue Assesment
Arsalan Majlesi

Research Topic: Hydrodynamic Response of Coastal Bridges due to Extreme Weather Events
Echizeni Ikpah

Research Topic: Residual Stresses in Steel Structures
Sarah Legette

Research Topic: Energy Harvesting from Roadways
- Gholikhani, M., R. Nasouri, S. Tahami, S. Legette, S. Dessouky, and A. Montoya. Harvesting Kinetic Energy from Roadway Pavement through an Electromagnetic Speed Bump. Journal of Applied Energy, 250: 503-511, 2019.
Matthew Balcer(co-Advisor: Harry Millwater)

Research Topic: Variance Approximation
Daniela Gomez