Dr. Catherine Lewis’ Lesson Study website:
Lesson Study Resources from Community College Research Center at Columbia University:
CCRC’s report:
Lesson Study Resources from University of Wisconsin-La Crosse:
In addition, here are a few links of potential interest:
1. Lesson Study Guide — Online, step-by-step guide for doing lesson study, https://www.uwlax.edu/sotl/lsp/guide/index.htm
2. Showcase — Repository of ~80 completed lesson studies and final reports, searchable by discipline, https://www.uwlax.edu/sotl/lsp/showcase.htm
3. Blog — A secondary repository of approx. 20 more recently completed lesson studies and final reports, https://lessonstudy.blogs.com/college/
4. Lesson Study Project Orientation Materials — Potential materials used for orientation sessions/workshops with instructors, https://sites.google.com/a/uwlax.edu/lessonstudy/