Dr. Araya was awarded a 2019-CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation from the Fluid Dynamics program (CBET). The project is titled “CAREER: High fidelity numerical simulations of turbulent flow separation at high Reynolds numbers with passive scalar transport”. The proposed research will provide foundational knowledge on an issue in fluid dynamics that is not well understood: flow separation and its association with heat and contaminant transport.
Student Manuel Santiago has been funded by the XSEDE EMPOWER Program to work on the project title “High-order Statistics of Turbulent Boundary Layers via GPU-oriented Programming” under the supervision of Dr. Araya.
German G. Saltar received the NASA PR Space Grant Fellowship ($10,000) for the 2019-2020 academic year on July 17, 2019. Congrats!
Dr. Araya was invited to the 2019 AFOSR/ONR/HVSI Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Portfolios Review for an oral presentation of award #FA9550-17-1-0051. The event was held during July 8-12, 2019 in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Building at the University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO.
Dr. Araya gave two presentations titled “Direct simulation of a Mach-5 turbulent spatially-developing boundary layer” and “Visualization of turbulent events in wall-bounded flows via Virtual Reality” at the 49th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 3131876) 17 – 21 June, Dallas, TX, 2019.
Erich Martinez has been selected with travel subsidy to attend the International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, July 7-12, 2019 to be held in Kobe, Japan, at RIKEN CCS.
Students Jean Santiago and Manuel Santiago have been funded by the XSEDE EMPOWER Program to work on projects “The Effect of Convex Wall Curvature on Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers” and “Statistical Description of Turbulent Wall-bounded Flows,” under the supervision of Dr. Araya.
Christian Lagares joined the HPCVLab as an undergraduate research assistant with PRLSAMP fellowship (Spring 2019).
Dr. Araya and students German Saltar and Miguel Ramirez (with APS travel award) attended the 71thAnnual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (November 18-20 201, Atlanta, GA) for oral presentations, poster and video display at the Gallery of Fluid Motion.
Todd Michal from The Boeing Company delivered a presentation titled “Development of an Anisotropic Adaptive Meshing Capability with Application to Boeing Aircraft” via video conference on November 27, 2018 invited by Dr. Araya and sponsored by the AIAA-Mayaguez student branch.
Dr. Araya was invited to the 2018 Annual Review for the AFOSR High Speed Aerodynamics and the ONR Hypersonics Portfolio(Arlington, VA) on July 30 for an oral presentation of award #FA9550-17-1-0051.
Dr. Araya organized a mini-symposium titled “Spatially-Developing Turbulent Boundary Layers” at the 13thWorld Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCMXIII and PANACM II) in New York City on July 25, 2018.
German G. Saltar received the NASA PR Space Grant Fellowship($10,000) for the 2018-2019 academic year on July 20, 2018. Congrats!
German G. Saltar was awarded the 2018 NASA-John Mather Nobel Scholarship plus a $3,000 scientific travel grant over a two year period. Congrats!
Carlos Quinones was awarded a travel support to attend the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics/2ndPan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (NYC, July 22-27 2018) by XSEDE Community Engagement & Enrichment – Broadening Participation (CEE-BP).
Miguel A. Ramirez joined HPCVLab as a PhD student (Fall 2018).
Dr. Araya was awarded a travel support to attend the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 2nd Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (NYC, July 22-27 2018) by XSEDE Community Engagement & Enrichment – Broadening Participation (CEE-BP).
Dr. Médici from Michigan Technological University was invited to UPRM by Dr. Araya during May 26-29 2018 for research collaboration and oral presentation (“Analog Modeling of Shock Waves and Supersonic Jets”). This lecture is sponsored by GECAT-NSF (Award #074984-16663) and and the Center for Aerospace and Unmanned System Engineering (CAUSE).
Dr. Araya was invited to participate in the workshop entitled “Computational Fluid Dynamics Software Infrastructure” to be held in Boulder, CO, May 16thand 17th2018 with a NSF travel grant.
Dr. Walter Silva from NASA Langley delivered a presentation entitled “AEROM: NASA’s Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Reduced-Order Modeling Software” via video conference on May 2, 2018 invited by Dr. Araya and sponsored by the AIAA-Mayaguez student branch.
Dr. Araya was awarded 46,250 node-hours as part of a Broadening Participation allocation at the Blue Waters supercomputer to be used in the DNS experiments of the project NSF-GECAT #074984-16663.
Dr. Araya visited the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in Spain from February 20 to March 7 2018 to work collaboratively with Co-PIs Guillermo Marin and Fernando Cucchietti on the project titled “High-End Visualization of Coherent Structures and Turbulent Events in Wall-Bounded Flows with a Passive Scalar” (NSF-GECAT #074984-16663)
The student Jean Santiago has been selected for the XSEDE EMPOWER Program to work on the project “Visualization of turbulent events in wall-bounded flows via Virtual Reality,” under the supervision of Dr. Araya. The semester program stipend is $750. Congrats!
Dr. Araya and undergraduate student Gabriel Torres (with APS travel award) attended the 70thAnnual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (November 19-21 2017, Denver, CO) for oral presentation and video display at the Gallery of Fluid Motion.
On September 13 2017, undergraduate student Gabriel Torres has been awarded The Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation fellowship under the supervision of Dr. Araya (project title: High-order statistics of turbulent spatially-developing boundary layers, total budget: $2,000). Congrats!
Graduate student Carlos Quinones received the NASA PR Space Grant Fellowship ($15,000) for the 2017-2018 academic year on August 9, 2017. Congrats!
The proposal titled “High-End Visualization of Coherent Structures and Turbulent Events in Wall-Bounded Flows with a Passive Scalar” has been granted a NSF-subaward by the U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on September 8, 2017. Amount: $25K, duration: 1 year, PI: G. Araya (UPRM), Co-PIs: G. Marin and F. Cucchietti (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain).
Dr. K. Jansen from the U. of Colorado-Boulder visited UPRM during May 3-11, 2017 as part of the research collaboration with Dr. Araya from INME (DOD-AFOSR Grant # FA9550-17-1-0051). Dr. Jansen also delivered a presentation on May 8 at BDTC (CAUSE Distinguished Lecture)
Dr. Araya was invited to the 2017 Annual Review for the AFOSR High Speed Aerodynamics and the ONR Hypersonics Portfolio (NASA Langley , Hampton, VA) during July 23-28 for an oral presentation of award #FA9550-17-1-0051.
Dr. Araya attended the Institute on Visualizing and Interacting with Data (TACC, Texas) on June 19-23, 2017 with travel grant from XSEDE Community Engagement & Enrichment – Broadening Participation (CEE-BP) program.
The proposal entitled “Effects of streamwise pressure gradients and thermal stratification on jets in crossflow via DNS” has been awarded 168,000 core-hours and 4 TB of data storage (estimated value of $6,140) by XSEDE. PI: Dr. G. Araya. Project duration: 2017-04-01 to 2018-03-31.
Undergraduate student Ernie Rivera participated in the Petascale Institute at NCSA in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (May 29-June 9, 2017) as part of the Blue Waters Student Internship Program.
Carlos Quinones has been selected to attend the International Summer HPC Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, June 25-June 30, 2017 Boulder, Colorado, USA. A travel grant was provided by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dr. Araya has been invited to participate as on-site reviewer in the CDS&E Turbulence panel of the NSF Fluid Dynamics Program on February 28, 2017.
Dr. Araya’s project “Identification of Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) in accelerating turbulent boundary layers” has been selected for the 2017-2018 Blue Waters Student Internship Program. The student intern assigned to this project is Ernie Rivera, who will receive a $5,000 stipend.
Dr. Araya and undergraduate student Daniel E. Rodriguez attended the 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (November 20-22, Portland, OR) for oral and poster presentation. Funding for travel was provided by the XSEDE Broadening Participation program and the American Physical Society.
In October 31, a workshop titled “The WRF model: Fundamentals and its Applications” was organized by Dr. Araya and Dr. Ruiz-Columbie (National Wind Institute, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX) at the ME Department.
Dr. Araya was awarded an NSF-sponsored ASSIST Travel Grant to attend the Engineering Early-Faculty Career Development Symposium at the HENAAC Conference organized by Great Minds in STEM from October 6-9, 2016 in Anaheim, CA.
On August 15 2016, undergraduate student Daniel Rodriguez has been awarded The Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation fellowship under the supervision of Dr. Araya (project title: An Efficient Surface Reconstruction Technique for Flow Visualization via Virtual Reality, total budget: $2,000). Congrats!
The proposal entitled “Effects of wall curvature on hypersonic turbulent spatially-developing boundary layers” has been recommended for funding by AFOSR. Amount: $331K, duration: 3 years, PI: G. Araya (UPRM), Co-PI: K. Jansen (U. of Colorado Boulder).
Dr. Araya participated in the AIAA Aviation conference (as speaker and session chair) during 13 – 17 June 2016 in Washington, DC.
Dr. Araya has received a travel grant to attend the “Inquiry-Based Science and Mathematics Enhanced by Computational Thinking” workshop at Oklahoma State University, May 16 – 18, 2016.