Lead Faculty

Ryun Jung (RJ) Lee, Ph.D., AICP
Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning
Ryun Jung Lee is an Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). She is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and core faculty of the Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research at UTSA. Her research focuses on investigating the links between built environment, neighborhood change, and quality of life through geospatial analysis and statistical approaches with an emphasis on community resilience and environmental justice. Lee has published in various planning and urban studies journals such as Landscape and Urban Planning, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, and Sustainable Cities and Society.

Nico Molina, Master’s student
Urban and Regional Planning
Graduate Research Assistant
Hi! My name is Nico, and I am a graduate research assistant working under Dr. Lee. My interests include urban disaster resilience, sustainable transportation systems, and geospatial analysis. I enjoy working with spatial data in ArcGIS and learning how to make clear, compelling, and interesting maps. I am currently working on my thesis research, which focuses on the spatial distribution of open spaces and their relationships to earthquake resilience in urban areas. When I’m not busy working or studying, I enjoy going for walks, watching movies, exploring my hometown of San Antonio, and spending time with my dog, Pablo.

Elliott Coleman, Master’s student
Urban and Regional Planning
Graduate Research Assistant
Hello! I’m Elliott Coleman, a graduate research assistant collaborating with Dr. Lee while pursuing my Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning, specializing in design. I have a deep passion for urban planning, particularly in the areas of design, sustainability, and transportation. I enjoy utilizing ArcGIS and Adobe Suite to create compelling visuals that effectively communicate data and ideas to diverse audiences.
Past Students

Samuel Rueda, Master’s student
Urban and Regional Planning
Graduate Research Assistant

Kenyala Felder, Master’s student
Urban and Regional Planning
Graduate Research Assistant