Prospective Students

The Computer Security Research Group (CSRG) conducts research in fundamental and applied aspects of cybersecurity. In particular, CSRG members work on machine learning security and privacy, malware detection using machine learning techniques and foundational aspects of authorization in information systems in the context of technology domains such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Mobile Computing and Social Computing. CSRG projects are supported by funding from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the industry.

Research assistantships are available for highly motivated students committed to pursue a PhD degree in the field of computer security. At times, CSRG may have positions open for students pursuing an MS degree with a thesis option. Students interested in working in CSRG are expected to have very strong analytical, computer programming and discrete math skills. Please contact Prof. Ram Krishnan if interested.

Note that admission decisions are made by the UTSA Graduate School and the ECE department’s PhD/Graduate committee. In particular, individual faculty members, such as myself, do not admit students directly.