
Research Interests

Injury Biomechanics
We aimed at unraveling the intricate processes underlying brain trauma and are constantly striving to understand the various factors and events that contribute to brain injuries, such as concussions, and traumatic brain injuries. By examining the impact of biomechanical factors, we hope to  shed light on how the brain responds to impact and deformation, which is crucial in developing effective injury prevention strategies and protective equipment..
Traumatic Brain Injury
We are dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and innovation in the field of brain injury diagnosis, with a dual focus on both clinical and preclinical models. Our mission is to harness cutting-edge research and technology to improve the accuracy, timeliness, and efficacy of brain injury diagnostics, as well as to enhance our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Through interdisciplinary collaboration with the BME Department at UTSA, we aim to develop novel diagnostic tools and biomarkers that facilitate early detection and personalized treatment of brain injuries in clinical settings
Head Protection Design
Despite ongoing efforts to address and decrease number TBI in sports and recreational activities, it is still alarming that approximately 1.6 – 3.8 million sports-related TBIs occur in the United States each year. As a result of that, there is a significant interest in developing and evaluating innovative high-performance sport helmets. Our team works on development of injury protection technologies  to reduce the incidence of concussions in high risk sports such as football and hockey.