IoT research in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at San Antonio



AET Building 1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249

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Vehicle Security

J. Castillo
K. C. Roy
K. Barba
G. Chavez

[1] Qian Chen, P. Romanowich, J. Castillo, K. C. Roy, G. Chavez and S. Xu, “ExHPD: Exploiting Human, Physical and Driving Behaviors to Detect Vehicle Cyber Attack.” in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (Read More)
[2] Qian Chen, Azizeh Khaled Sowan, and Shouhuai Xu. 2018. A safety and security architecture for reducing accidents in intelligent transportation systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD ’18). November 5-9, 2018. San Diego, CA, USA. (Read More)
Malware & Intrusion Detection

K. Chandra Roy
H. Haswell

[1] Krishna Chandra Roy and Qian Chen. “DeepRan: Attention-based BiLSTM and CRF for Ransomware Early Detection and Classi_cation.” Information Systems Frontiers, 2020. (Read More)

[2] Qian Chen, SR Islam, H Haswell, R. A. Bridges, “Automated Ransomware Behavior Analysis: Pattern Extraction and Early Detection,” SciSec 2019, August, 2019. Nanjing, China. (Read More)

[3] Qian Chen, R. A. Bridges. “Automated Behavioral Analysis of Malware: A Case Study of WannaCry Ransomware Authors.” 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). December 18-21, 2017, Cancun, Mexico. (Read More)


J. Castillo


J. Castillo
K. C. Roy
K. Barba

[1] P. Romanowich and Qian Chen. “Research Note: The E ects of COVID-19 on Test ffRetest Reliability in a Behavioral Measure for Impulsivity.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology.(Read More)
[2] Paul Romanowich, Qian Chen, and Shouhuai Xu. “Relationships between DriversErrors and Delay Discounting in a Simulated Driving Task.” Perspectives on BehaviorScience, 2019 (5-Year Impact Factor 2.835. SJR Quality One in Social Psychology)(Read More)

[3] Qian Chen, P. Romanowich, J. Castillo, K. C. Roy, G. Chavez and S. Xu, “ExHPD:Exploiting Human, Physical and Driving Behaviors to Detect Vehicle Cyber Attack.”in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (Read More)

Cybersecurity & Data Analytic for Healthcare

J. Castillo

[1] A. Sowan, Qian Chen et al. “Improving the Safety, Effectiveness, and Efficiency of Clinical Alarm Systems: Simulation-Based Usability Testing of Physiologic Monitors.” JMIR Nursing 2021; 4(1): e20584. (Read More)

Hardware security

Stacy Pech
James Ryan