The UTSA College of Engineering Technology Symposium will be held November 28, 2017 in the HEB University Center Ballroom. This event showcases innovative student projects and research performed across multiple disciplines including engineering, science and business. The symposium is designed to provide a public venue where UTSA senior engineering students to present advances achieved in their design projects to UTSA students, their parents, students around South Texas, industry and government sponsors, and the general public. Register here to attend and/or judge.
The Senior Design Projects are the culmination of the engineering undergraduate studies, enabling all engineering students, in their senior year, to apply the knowledge and skills they have accumulated throughout their programs to design, develop, and implement innovative and relevant engineering products .The symposium will not only include work in engineering, but also advances achieved in business and science. The event will include exhibitions of Engineering Capstone Projects and the biannual Center for Innovation and the What’s your Big Rowdy Idea? Business Model Competition. The expressed purpose of the CITE Business Model Competition is to teach the Lean Startup Methodology and prepare participants to launch scalable entrepreneurial ventures while simultaneously pursuing their degree program or working at UTSA.