SPIE, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Multimodal Image Exploitation and Learning 2023, May 2023
1. A.M. Grigoryan, I. Salazar, S.S. Agaian, “New method of color image histogram equalization with gray replacement for underwater and medical images,” (view presentation)
2. E. Oluga, B. Young, R.L. Hood, and A.M. Grigoryan, “Alpha-rooting color image enhancement for neural light field rendering,” (view presentation)
SPIE, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Multimodal Image Exploitation and Learning 2022, April 2022
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Alpha-rooting and correlation method of image enhancement,” (view presentation)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Gradients and compass operators: Method of rotations,” (view presentation)
SPIE, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2020, April 2020
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Optimal restoration of multiple signals in quaternion algebra,” (view presentation to see how the problem of optimal restoration of quaternion signals in the model convolution plus noise was solved / Art)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Gradient, means, and image reconstruction,” (view presentation)
3. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Quaternion quantum image representation: New models,” (view presentation)
4. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Thermal and night vision image visibility and enhancement,” (view presentation)
SPIE, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2019, Baltimore, Maryland, 4-18 April 2019
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Gradient based histogram equalization in grayscale image enhancement,” (view pdf-file 2.9MB)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Asymmetric and symmetric gradient operators with application in face recognition in Renaissance Portrait Art,” (view pdf-file 3.3MB)
3. A.M. Grigoryan, A. John, S.S. Agaian, “Quaternion alpha-rooting image enhancement of grayscale images” (view pdf-file 1.9MB)
IS&T International Symposium, Electronic Imaging: Algorithms and Systems, 28 Jan.-2 Feb., Burlingame, CA, 2018.
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Color facial image representation with new quaternion gradients,” (view pdf-file 1.36MB)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, A. John, S.S. Agaian, “Enhancement of underwater color images by two-side 2-D quaternion discrete Fourier transform” (view pdf-file 2.02MB)
3. A.M. Grigoryan, A. John, S.S. Agaian, “Color visibility images and measures of image enhancement” (view pdf-file 1.26MB)
4. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Two general models for gradient operators in imaging” (view pdf-file 1.13MB)
SPIE, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications, Orlando, Florida, 16-17 April 2018
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “Re-Coloring of grayscale images: Models with Aesthetic and Golden proportions,” (view pdf-file 1.78MB)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, A. John, S.S. Agaian, “A novel image enhancement method of 3-D medical images by transforming the 3-D images to 2-D grayscale images” (view pdf-file 2.49MB)
Electronic Imaging 2017: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 29 Jan.-2 Feb., Burlingame, CA
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Again, “2-D Octonion Discrete Fourier Transform: Fast Algorithms,” (view pdf-file)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Again, “Alpha-Rooting Method of Gray-scale Image Enhancement in The Quaternion Frequency Domain,” (view pdf-file)
Electronic Imaging 2016: Algorithms and Systems XIV, Feb. 14-18, San Francisco, CA
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “2-D Left-side quaternion discrete Fourier transform fast algorithms,” (view pdf-file 1,55MB)
SPIE 2016: Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications, April 17-21, Baltimore, Maryland
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, “2D Hexagonal quaternion Fourier transform in color image processing,” (view pdf-file)
1. A.M. Grigoryan, B.A. Wiatrek, S.S. Again, “Image encryption by redirection and cyclical shift,” (view pdf-file 4,69MB )
2. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Again, A.M. Gonzales, “Fast Fourier transform-based retinex and alpha-rooting color image enhancement,” (view pdf-file 1,66MB)
1. A.M. Grigoryan, S.S. Agaian, J. Jenkinson, “Innovating Engineering Education:Teaching Image Processing In Texas” (view pdf-file 1,661MB)
1. A.M. Grigoryan, “Fourier Transform with Rotations on Circles and Ellipses in Signal and Image Processing” (view pdf-file 631kB)
2. A.M. Grigoryan, “Fast Heap Transform-Based QR-Decomposition of Real and Complex Matrices: Algorithms and Codes” (view pdf-file 111kB)
3. A.M. Gonzales and A.M. Grigoryan, “Fast RETINEX for Color Image Enhancement: Methods and Algorithms” (view pdf-file 1,438MB)
4. J. Jenkinson, A.M. Grigoryan and S.S. Agaian, “Enhancement, Preprocessing, and Machine Learning with Galaxy Images (view pdf-file 1,537MB)
5. A.M. Grigoryan and S.S. Agaian, “New 2-D Discrete Fourier Transforms in Image Processing” (view pdf-file 2,082MB)
6. A.M. Grigoryan and S.S. Agaian, “Algorithms of the q2r×q2r-point 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform” (view pdf-file 1,978MB)
7. A.M. Grigoryan and S.S. Agaian, “Optimal Color Image Restoration: Wiener Filter and Quaternion Fourier Transform”
1. A.M. Grigoryan and Nan Du, “Novel Tensor Transform-Based Method of Image Reconstruction From Limited-Angle Projection Data” (view pdf-file 1,757MB)
2. A.M. Grigoryan and S.S. Agaian, “Alpha-Rooting Method of Color Image Enhancement by Discrete Quaternion Fourier Transform” (view pdf-file 2,948MB)
3. A.M. Grigoryan and S.S. Agaian, “Fibonacci Thresholding: Signal Representation and Morphological Filters” (view pdf-file 3,250MB)
4. A.M. Grigoryan and M. Hajinoroozi, “A novel method of filtration by the discrete heap transforms” (view pdf-file 2,379MB)
IEEE International Conferences on on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (SMC 2014, 2009)
1. A.M. Grigoryan, “Elliptic discrete Fourier transforms of Type II,” (view pdf-file 1,5 MB)
2. A.M. Grigoryan and Nan Du, “New formula for image reconstruction from projections by the 2-D paired transformation,” (view pdf file (1,5 MB) )
3. Khalil Naghdali, R. Raghunath, and A.M. Grigoryan, “Fast signal-induced transforms in image enhancement,” (view pdf file (471 kB))
4. Nan Du, Sree Devineni, and A.M. Grigoryan, “Mixed Fourier transforms and image encryption,” (view pdf file (1,250 MB))
5. J. Jenkinson, A.M. Grigoryan, M. Hajinoroozi, R.D. Hernández, et el., “Machine Learning and Image Processing in Astronomy” (view pdf file (1,391 MB) )
1. A.M. Grigoryan and K. Naghdali, “Fast unitary heap transforms: Theory and application in cryptography” [7351-16], International Conference Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2009, DSS09 SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2009, Orlando, FL, USA, April 13-17, 2009. (view pdf file (3.6 MB))
2. A.M. Grigoryan and M.M. Grigoryan, “Discrete integer Fourier transform in real space: Elliptic Fourier transform” [7245A-1], International Conference: Electronic Imaging, Science and technology, IS&T/SPIE 21st Annual Symposium, San Diego, CA, 18-22 January, 2009. (view pdf file (513 kB))
OTHER CONFERENCES (2007:-1:2002)
1. O. Kallioniemi, J. Kononen, L. Bubendorf, A. Kallioniemi, D. Rohwer-Nutter, E.R. Dougherty, A.M. Grigoryan, G. Sauter, P. Schraml, H. Moch, M. Mihatsch, “High-throughput FISH on chips,” San Jose 2000, (view pdf file (637 kB))
2. F.T. Arslan and A.M. Grigoryan, “Enhancement of biomedical images by the paired transform,” The 14th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, Texas, September 16-19, 2007. (view pdf file (511 kB))
3. F.T. Arslan and A.M. Grigoryan, “Alpha-rooting image enhancement by paired splitting-signals,” The 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: from Macro to Nano, ISBI 2006, Arlington, VA, April 6-9, 2006. (view pdf file (1.1 MB))
4. S. Alla and A.M. Grigoryan, “Method of reconstruction of 3-D PET images from projections,” IEEE Region 5 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference (TPS 2006), San Antonio, TX, April 6-8. (view pdf file (9.8 MB) )
5. F.T. Arslan, A.K. Chan, and A.M. Grigoryan, “Directional denoising of aerial images by splitting-signals,” IEEE Region 5 TPS 2006, San Antonio, TX, April 6-8. (view pdf file (287 kB))
6. J.U. Anugom and A.M. Grigoryan, “Multiresolution signal processing by Fourier transform time-frequency correlation analysis,” IEEE Region 5 TPS 2006, San Antonio, TX, April 6-8. (view pdf file (1.2 MB))
7. A.M. Grigoryan and S. Dursun, “Multiresolution of the Fourier transform,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP ’05), Philadelphia, PA, March 18-23, 2005. (view pdf file (383 kB) )
8. F.T. Arslan and A.M. Grigoryan, “Method of image enhancement by splitting-signals,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP ’05), March 18-23, 2005. (view pdf file (629 kB) )
9. A.M. Grigoryan … , “Art Code I: A new method of optimal coding,” IEEE International Conference on Information Technolgy: Coding and Computing, ITCC-2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 8-10, 2002, (view pdf file (59 kB) )
10. A.M. Grigoryan, … , “Art Code II: Lossless Encoding Based on Redistribution of Statistics,” IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, ITCC-2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 5-7, 2004. (view pdf file (73 kB) )
1. A.M. Grigoryan and Nan Du, “Method of G-particles for Image Reconstruction from a Finite Number of Projections” SPIE 2013 Conference on Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, 2013 (view pdf file (1,148MB))
2. Joao Donacien N. Nsingui and A.M. Grigoryan, “Elliptic Discrete Fourier Transform and its Application in Signal and Image Processing,” Thesis presentation in Honors College, ECE Dept., UTSA, May 2012, (view pdf file (8.061 MB))
3. A.M. Grigoryan, “Decomposition by Series Direction Images: Image Reconstruction and Enhancement” [7245A-25], International Conference: Electronic Imaging, Science and technology, IS&T/SPIE 21st Annual Symposium, San Diego, CA, 18-22 January, 2009. (view pdf file (1.513 MB))
4. A.M. Grigoryan and M.M. Grigoryan, “Discrete unitary transforms generated by moving waves” [6701-78], International Conference: Wavelets XII, SPIE: Optics+Photonics 2007, San Diego, CA, 27-29 August, 2007. (vie pdf file (198 kB))
5. A.M. Grigoryan and M.M. Grigoryan, “New discrete unitary Haar-type heap transforms” [6701-79], International Conference: Wavelets XII, SPIE: Optics+Photonics 2007, San Diego, CA, 27-29 August, 2007. (view pdf file (219 kB))
6. R.N. Raghunath, J.M. Moreno, and A.M. Grigoryan “The novel Arc low-pass filter,” IEEE Region 5 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference, TPS 2006, San Antonio, TX, April 6-8, 2006. (view pdf file (230 kB))
A. Jason Wyche and James Rakowitz, “8-Point discrete Fourier transform by paired representation,” class EE-5113 VLSI System Design, UTSA, December 2, 2008. (view pdf file (1,180 kB). James: Thank you very much for this file. /Art Grigoryan, February 19, 2009.